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Personalized Exercise Programming and Personal Training

Empowering Fitness Journeys

  • What Is Exercise Therapy and Personal Training

    Our highly skilled and licensed Physiotherapists at Sporting Edge Physiotherapy believe exercise therapy and personal training are both critical components of the therapeutic healing process. Exercise therapy involves using specific therapeutic exercises prescribed by your Physiotherapist to strengthen the muscles, improve mobility and improve neuro-muscular control. 

    Exercise therapy can also help to alleviate any symptoms you’re experiencing – while also optimizing your body’s natural functioning. Exercise therapy is a crucial part of the healing process for most musculoskeletal injuries. Continued exercise is key in injury prevention. We want you to return to thriving and excelling in your sport!

  • What It Entails

    Our trained Physiotherapists will implement and prescribe customized therapeutic exercises during your sessions. This therapy will work to correct impairments, restore muscular and skeletal functioning, and maintain an optimum state of wellbeing. Scientific evidence has demonstrated how beneficial the effect of exercise is, and we want our clients to reap these benefits! Exercise therapy may include:

    • Agility training
    • Aerobic and endurance conditioning and reconditioning
    • Breathing exercises
    • Coordination exercises
    • Sport specific skills training and re-training
    • Movement pattern training
    • Range of motion exercises
    • Soft tissue stretching
    • Strength, power, and endurance exercises
    • Neuromuscular re-training
  • The Approach

    At Sporting Edge Physiotherapy, our therapists work to combine these exercises that fall within 4 groups: 

    1. Strengthening exercises – usually performed with heavy resistance and fewer repetitions. 

    2. Endurance exercises – these engage larger muscle groups over a longer period of time to achieve greater cardiovascular endurance. 

    3. Flexibility exercises – these lengthen muscle tissue, achieved through stretching and movement. 

    4. Balance and coordination exercises – these focus on improving an individual’s balance and centre of gravity. 

    These four areas are combined into a tailored exercise therapy plan that will work toward the client’s needs. 

strength training with ropes
a man helps a woman do a plank on a mat
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    Boost Physical Strength and Endurance

    Exercise Therapy and Personal Training at Sporting Edge Physiotherapy are designed to significantly enhance your physical strength and endurance. Our personalized programs help you push your limits, improve muscle tone, and increase your stamina, enabling you to perform daily activities with ease and efficiency.

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    Promote Faster Injury Recovery

    Our specialized Exercise Therapy and Personal Training programs are not just about fitness; they also play a crucial role in injury recovery. By targeting specific muscles and joints, we help speed up the healing process, reduce pain, and restore mobility, getting you back to your active lifestyle sooner.

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    Improve Mental Well-being

    Regular participation in our Exercise Therapy and Personal Training sessions can have profound effects on your mental health. Physical activity releases endorphins - the body's natural mood boosters, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It's not just about a healthier body, but a happier mind too.


Exercise Therapy vs Personal Training

Personal Training and Exercise Therapy, while both focused on improving physical health, serve different purposes and are used for different needs. 

Personal Training is primarily aimed at individuals who are looking to improve their general fitness, lose weight, or achieve specific fitness goals. A personal trainer designs a tailored workout plan based on the individual's fitness level and goals, providing motivation, guidance, and accountability along the way. 

On the other hand, Exercise Therapy is a form of Physiotherapy that uses specific exercises to help rehabilitate and heal injuries or manage chronic conditions. It's often used as part of a treatment plan for individuals recovering from surgery, sports injuries, or dealing with conditions like arthritis or neurological disorders. The exercises are carefully selected and monitored by a Physiotherapist to ensure they target the affected areas without causing further harm.

In essence, while personal training focuses on fitness and performance enhancement, exercise therapy is geared towards recovery and rehabilitation.

physiotherapy strength training
a woman is helping a man stretch his arm in a gym

Types of Exercises

Understanding the different types of exercises can help you better achieve your fitness or rehabilitation goals. Here are examples of exercises for each category:

Strengthening Exercises are usually performed with heavy resistance and fewer repetitions. Common exercises that fall under this category include squats, lunges, and push-ups which use your body weight to strengthen various muscle groups. Resistance bands or weights can also be used to enhance the intensity of these exercises.

Endurance Exercises engage larger muscle groups over a longer period of time to achieve greater cardiovascular endurance. Examples include jogging, cycling, swimming, or even brisk walking. These exercises improve cardiovascular health and endurance over time.

Flexibility Exercises aim to stretch and lengthen muscles to improve overall mobility. Practices like Yoga and Pilates, with poses like the downward dog or the spine stretch, are excellent for flexibility. Regular stretching routines can also be beneficial.

Balance and Coordination Exercises focus on improving an individual’s balance and centre of gravity. Standing on one leg, heel-to-toe walk, or exercises on a balance ball are common examples. Practices like Tai Chi also focus heavily on balance and coordination through slow, controlled movements.

Why Choose Personalized Exercise Therapy

Get ready to embark on a transformative journey when you start exercise therapy at Sporting Edge. Our personalized programs are designed to cater to your unique needs, whether you're aiming for general fitness, weight loss, or recovering from an injury. Our expert Physiotherapists  provide guidance, motivation, and support, ensuring you're not alone in your health journey. They monitor your progress closely, adjusting your program as needed to ensure optimal results. With us, you're not just getting a service; you're gaining a dedicated team committed to helping you reclaim your health and well-being.

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